** This guide was created using a Computer, If you choose to register on a mobile device, the look and feel may differ but the steps are the same.
1. Navigate to Burnslittleleague.com and select "Registration Info" then select "Volunteer Opportunities" 1A. If you are on a mobile device you may need to go to the three Hamburgers in the upper left corner and then select "Registration Info" > "Volunteer opportunities" 2. Select the Season/Sport you would like to register for3. Select the position you would like to register for (if you do not see the desired position listed please scroll to the right using the arrow to see more positions)4. Want to select more then one position, scroll to the bottom of the page and choose "Show all available opportunities"5. Select whether you are registering the signed in user or if you would like to sign up a new user6. Select Continue on the bottom of the page7. Fill in your contact information8. Answer the Background questions and upload a copy/picture of your government issued ID, then Select "Continue" at the bottom of the page10. This will bring you to a "We need more information" screen or a completion screen. you have completed the registration at this time. you can view all volunteer registrations by selecting "My account" on the home page and then selecting Volunteer in the navigation pane
Burns Little League 192 Bobcat Ct. Burns, Tennessee 37029
Email: [email protected]